For further information about our site or buying our work, please contact us on

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Dear guest,

Welcome to our photo-site. We hope that you enjoy our work as much as we did whilst photograping it. Every first day of the new month we publish a photo of us and we promote a website of a colleague-photographer. We regular update the site with new work, so please take a look every first day of the new month!!

All our photos are taken in the wild and we want to emphasize that we do not use AI

If you click on a photo,a choice can be made on how you will see the photo's. As a slide show or stand alone using the arrows left or right. You can also use the arrows on your keyboard. Enjoy our photo"s !!!!


 Monthly recurring sections:    
 photo of the month website of the month  history photo of the month



Thumb_bruine_beer.jpg Tumb_koereiger.jpg   

Norway, Sweden and Finland 2023

 Spanje 2024  
France en Spain 2014  Greece 1998-2002  Greece 2015


Iceland 2009 Iceland 2011
Iceland2012   Iceland 2014 Iceland 2015
Iceland 2016   Iceland 2017   The Netherlands
  Norway 2013  Spain 2007 / 2008 / 2013  Spain 2019
 USA 2020  Sweden 2016  Sweden 2017
 Sweden / Finland 2018  France / Spain 2021   Iceland 2022



No form of reproduction, including copying or saving of digital image files is permitted unless accompanied by a written sales advice issued by Dick en Mira Hoogenboom.